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These are the ideal dog breeds for single people | Dog Breeds

if you live alone and are thinking of adopting a dog to keep you company, these are six of the best breeds to share your life and your home with one of these animals.

Living alone has its charms and many advantages, especially in terms of independence and freedoms, why deny it. However, single people also need company and adopting a pet may be the best option to fill that void and avoid loneliness.

Dog Breeds

There are numerous reasons for all those who remain single to choose to live with a dog. Not only do they give you company when you need it, but they make you feel loved and important in their affections, as well as filling your home with joy when you return tired from work.

Making this important decision will also help you reduce stress and increase serotonin. But it is that they also make you more responsible, balanced and orderly by having to carry out a daily routine with them.


His care will motivate you to go out more to the street to take him for a walk, something that will help you exercise every day while enjoying moments of games and fun with your four-legged friend. And it is that having a dog will promote and improve your social life and, who knows, it can help you find a partner.

dogs for singles

Therefore, if you are thinking of having a dog at home and you do not know which one is the best for you, we present you with different breeds of dogs that are ideal for singles . Now it's up to you to decide.

Schnauzer : Originally from Germany, they have a reputation for being grumpy, although they are not at all. In fact, it is one of the most emotionally balanced breeds and that is why they are ideal for people who live alone or with small children. They are dogs with great intelligence, which facilitates their training , and they are very affectionate with their masters . And they can stay home alone for hours without causing the slightest problem, as they have a calm and gentle character.

English Bulldog – These grumpy-faced dogs are especially cuddly and hail from the United Kingdom. Although it is a breed that stands out for its overwhelming personality, they also have an adorable character, they are calm, obedient, sociable and very affectionate . They can spend long periods of time alone and are prone to bone problems or osteoarthritis, requiring long daily walks .

Dachshund : stands out for its peculiar physiognomy, since it has very short limbs and an elongated body, in the shape of a sausage. This is due to a genetic mutation known as bassetism. This is a very stubborn and stubborn breed that always wants to get their way. However, they are very loyal, sociable, friendly, balanced and fun... but only with their owner.

Border collie : It is a larger dog option than the previous ones, but they are ideal for the company of a single person, since they have a docile character (they are very easy to train) and obedient, in addition to being extremely intelligent. They are playful and affectionate and are not nervous or aggressive at all. They love to run and take long walks making them the perfect pet if you want to exercise . Without a doubt, he is a great adventure companion.

Pug – Its small size makes it perfect for living with singles in urban environments and houses with little space. These adorable mini bulldogs, also known as pugs, are cheerful, tender, brave, affectionate and very balanced, so they adapt very easily to the lives of their owners. In addition to barking very little, they are happy with short walks because they tire quickly. Of course, you have to take care of your diet because they tend to gain weight very easily. eye! They don't like children. They have a great sense of protection .

Chihuahua : Originally from Mexico, this breed of dog is considered one of the oldest in the American continent, as well as being the smallest dogs in the world. These dogs form strong emotional bonds with their owners . They are not grumpy at all and usually spend a large part of the day sleeping, which causes a tendency to be overweight.