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What are the best dog food brands in Chile

Surely you want top quality products for your pet. By identifying which company offers the best components, you can buy food with high nutritional value. So, discover which are the best dog food brands in Chile and give them adequate nutrition, which will ensure a long healthy life. 

How to know if it is a good brand of dog food?

There are various brands of dog food in Chile , however, many are not of quality. To identify them, it is necessary to observe the entire nutritional component that it offers. You should know that it does not depend on the price it has. The best thing is that you know what you should take into account when buying the product for your dog:

Identify category

Before buying the food, read the indications and description that it has on its label, in order to identify in which category it is positioned. Even so, there are several classes according to the quality of their composition. The standard or low-end category is identified as being the one you can easily get in any supermarket. This is followed by Premium, that is, pet store supply foods, and Super Premium, which is international or imported food.

Of these classes you must choose the one that proves to be proportional in terms of its components, nutritional value and protein content . Likewise, it is essential that it is palatable to the pet, in general, this happens with Premium and super foods, due to the quality of their ingredients.

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Nutritional composition

It is necessary to carefully review the list of ingredients that includes the packaging, to make sure you are carrying a nutritious product. In general, the three main components of the list are those of greater proportion . For example, if you notice that the first ingredients are flour and chicken derivatives, it means that it is of lower quality.

Quality products begin their list of components, with ingredients such as rice, chicken meat, lamb, pork, sifted meat, among others. Therefore, the main ones must be of animal origin.

Additives and production date

Avoid products that contain a large amount of carbohydrates , since they are more difficult for the pet to digest, and can also cause obesity. Also, it is not recommended to choose foods with a high content of preservatives , because it increases the risk of cancer. On the other hand, it is essential to check the date on which the food was prepared , because over time the nutrients lose concentration. It is recommended, product of a recent manufacturing period.

Best dog food brands in Chile

There is a wide variety of dog food brands . The best ones always include fresh and natural ingredients, as well as vitamins and essential oils, among probiotics that stimulate the vitality of the pet. Some of them are:

royal canine

It is a brand with a long history in the field of animal feed, with the necessary nutrients for its development, according to each stage. It has distinction and quality, because it is a company recognized for its experience in the manufacture of balanced pet food.

Among the product line, it includes food according to the dog's age, size, need and physical activity. That is why it is considered one of the most relevant brands, because it offers a wide variety, among which the following stand out:

royal canin puppy 

It is dedicated to dogs under 15 months of age that are in a stage of growth and development of their entire organism . In addition, it specifically contains a product for each breed of puppy, with the necessary nutrients. This line helps the healthy growth of the teeth and bones of the canine, at the same time, it offers vitality to the pet.

royal canin adult

Aimed at adult dogs up to 7 years old, since at this age the body changes and it is necessary to receive nutrients according to the insufficiency that it presents. That is, skin, digestive, kidney problems, among others. This Royal Canin variety offers a suitable diet for dogs according to their breed, needs and size.

royal canin mature

When the dog reaches the stage of maturity, its diet should be directed to maintain and provide strength in its activities. In addition, it has a focus on specific problems that must be addressed according to the age of the pet .

Purina Pro plan

Belonging to the renowned Purina brand, who have been in the market for years and offer quality food to pets in the house . Pro plan makes it possible for dogs to taste a select food in each bite, made with the latest ingredients. Know the ranges in which you can get it:

Purina Pro Plan Optinutrition

Created for dogs of all sizes and breeds, its main objective is to provide ideal nutrients for pets with special conditions. Developed with the best formula that helps maintain healthy skin, better digestion and achieve a stable weight.

Purina Pro Plan Expert Care Nutrition

This line is made with a special ingredient, which is colostrum, to activate and regenerate bones, as well as the pet's immune system . For the creation of this range, professional studies were taken into account in order to provide the necessary nutrition.

Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets

Aimed at dogs with specific diets so that they can comply with the proper nutrition, indicated by a professional. It is the perfect food for diabetic dogs, with kidney problems, allergies, among others.

Hill's Pet Nutrition

This company is renowned in the field of dog food due to years of practice in this field. In addition to offering a food rich in protein , you can get it categorized according to the age, size and need of your canine . Among its classes are the following.

Hill's Prescription Diet

Ideal for dogs with special conditions. In fact, veterinarians attached to the Veterinary Association of Chile recommend it to their patients. This line is indicated for dogs with diabetes, kidney problems, skin conditions, intestinal difficulty and others.

Hill's science plan

Formulated for large dogs in the adult stage, with nutrients and vitamins that help them recover the energy they invest day by day . High-quality ingredients are used for its manufacture and thus your pet remains vital for much of its life and with the best digestion.

Hill's vet essentials

Focused on medium-sized breeds in their adulthood, with vitamins and minerals that help the body behave better . It also contains ingredients that prevent the accumulation of fat in your pet's body.


This brand tries to guarantee an adequate diet for your canine, in fact, its name means the best translated into Spanish. Great contribution of protein that is a priority in the nutrition of canines. It exhibits a line for each stage in the life of the pet so that it receives an appropriate diet according to its needs. In this case, it has the puppy, adult and senior lines, each with the necessary nutritional content according to age and size.


This brand does not contain any type of cereal among its composition, its products are made from meat and fish produced by the same company . They offer fresh food, ideal for the dog, however, these products are more expensive. 

It is classified among one of the best dog food brands in Chile, due to the biological technology that is used in its preparation . In addition, it is a company that favors the community, since it gives opportunities to farmers and producers in the care of their own crops and animals.

Specific CKD Heart & Kidney

It is a brand of food, specifically for dogs with heart, kidney and liver problems . Among their production guidelines, they try to make a product low in salt, to avoid variations in the tension of the canine and fluid retention. It includes zinc among its ingredients for better performance of the heart and kidneys. In addition, it contains L-Carnitine to prevent accumulation of fat in the body, which prevents any sign of obesity .

Bill-Jac Super Premium

This brand has positioned itself at the top of the Chilean market, due to the high quality nutrition it provides to the canine species. Its components are aimed at strengthening the dog in the different stages of life, through fresh products and with an effective vitamin content. Likewise, this company is dedicated to generating foods that improve the metabolism of canines with kidney problems , since it contains salmon, turkey, lamb, among other ideal proteins for this condition.

Brit Care Super Premium

This brand offers special products for pets, totally hypoallergenic. Contains proteins such as rabbit, salmon and duck , which contribute to better digestion. In addition, it provides an adequate amount of amino acids. Likewise, it is indicated by veterinarians, for dogs diagnosed with heart and liver problems . Because it is free of grains and the meat goes through a previous dehydration process. In addition, among its ingredients it contains fruits, extracts and oils, essential for a feasible assimilation.

Now you know which are the best dog food brands in Chile and the characteristics they have in the products offered. So, do not stop satisfying the tastes and needs of your pet.