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Siberian Husky Dog Breed - Facts and Traits | Zee Sports

Siberian Husky Breed

The Siberian Husky is a dog that stands out for its characteristic blue eyes and a print on its fur between black and white. Its character is very sociable and it is a dog that stands out for its great affection towards people, so it is not suitable to be a guard dog. Their sociability makes it necessary for them to always be accompanied and not spend long periods in solitude, since they can have very destructive consequences with their environment.

Origin of the Siberian Husky

The origin of the Siberian husky was thanks to the Chukchi tribe in Siberia and its main function was that of a working dog. Responsible for pulling sleds to travel long distances during the hunting season, it was also used to transport prey. The husky had unique qualities for a very cold environment, developing a coat that protected him and helped keep children warm during cold nights.

The Siberian Husky, a working dog

Belonging to group 5 (Spitz and primitive type dogs) in section 1 (Nordic sled dogs) this dog seems to have been born for sledding. It has an innate sense of orientation and has the ability to drag up to nine times its weight in snowy environments, which makes this dog unique. These qualities allowed him to participate in the "All-Alaska Sweepstakes" race whose length was 657 kilometers, starting in Nome (south of the Seward Peninsula, next to the Bering Sea) to Candle and standing out in the first places.

The husky not only serves as a working dog since it is part of the family nucleus of the home, so they are suitable for living with children. Its origins can be traced back to 15,000 years ago, despite the fact that it was twice on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the breeders they managed to recover their genetics, although it is not possible to know exactly what their origins were.


The Siberian husky has a very easily recognizable appearance, with a size in males of 53/60 centimeters, between 20 and 28 kg in weight. In females, their size varies between 50 and 56 centimeters with an approximate weight of between 15 and 23 kg. It has thick, dense fur that allows it to survive extreme temperatures, even below freezing.

Despite having a double-layered coat, the husky has the ability to reduce its fur, adapting to the climate where it lives. They shed their submantle hair twice a year, so they are dogs that tend to leave a lot of hair. They can have both blue or brown eyes, although there may be variants in which they have one eye of each color.

cold protection

It is a dog completely adapted to very cold and adverse climatic environments. Even their paw pads are smaller in size to prevent heat loss. They have thick, fully fur-covered ears on top of their heads. The tail is also covered with hair and has a special function: The dog can curl up by inserting its nose under the tail, which acts as a filter, warming the surrounding air and keeping it.

Although the husky is recognized by the colors black and white, although there are pure white or black, although there may be small spots of white on its coat. We can also find gray, silver, red, sand, pinto, sable or chinchilla colors.


The character of a Siberian Husky is determined by the level of education and socialization since it is a puppy. These two points are important since he is a family dog ​​transmitting his affection to the entire nucleus and especially to the children. Unlike the other dogs, his communication is primitive, so they express themselves through vocalization or howling, not by the typical bark, even though they have the ability.

If you have little time or are going to be home alone for long periods, it is best to avoid adopting a Siberian Husky, as they can develop separation anxiety and even destructive behavior. They are very active dogs, so they need to burn all their energy, so they can take long walks in nature and exercise. They also have a great intelligence, so it is necessary to stimulate them with games, otherwise they can get bored.

own a siberian husky

The Siberian Husky is an action dog, which needs to move and in very hot climates the needs to keep cool must be taken into account. Having a Siberian husky is to investigate his tastes and what he likes to do, in addition to the fact that he will need a companion, especially if he lives outdoors.


The husky usually has a life expectancy of between ten and fourteen years, with iron health, although they can have some health problems. They have a predisposition to suffer from cataracts, glaucoma or progressive retinal atrophy. They can also suffer from hip or elbow dysplasia and can sometimes suffer from zinc deficiency, presenting allergies that can cause reactive dermatosis.

Siberian husky feeding

Being very active dogs that need to burn energy, they must have a diet according to their needs. A diet consisting of a high percentage of meat and, to a lesser extent, between 20 and 30% of fruit and vegetables is recommended. The BARF diet is recommended for this breed of dog, although we must obtain guidance from our veterinarian to carry out the necessary tests in order to know if it benefits their health. It is important, especially in hot weather, to permanently have fresh water for the dog.


Huskies do not require specific care, although it will be necessary to comb them frequently, especially during the moulting season since it is a time when they tend to lose a lot of hair and it is important to keep it under control. It does not require frequent baths, so the use of wipes to remove dirt will suffice unless it has gotten very dirty. In the event that it has a lot of dirt, we will use very mild dog shampoos.

What does a husky need?

This type of dog has a lot of energy and is very active, so we must take these needs into account to avoid boredom. Exercise, mental stimulation and enjoying their company will be necessary for your dog to be happy. The environment is very important, so we must always take the weather into account. They are dogs bred to live in cold places and therefore, places where it is extremely hot are not recommended for them.

If we live with cats, the most advisable thing is to have a husky as a puppy, since they are dogs with a highly developed hunting instinct that can cause coexistence problems. They are also not made to live in small spaces, so if we have a house with a garden or a large apartment, it will provide them with the space they need. In case of having a garden, we must accept that they are dogs that like to dig in the ground, so we can find the occasional hole.

Before adopting a Siberian Husky

Before adopting a Siberian Husky we must take into account all their needs and that they are dogs that shed a lot of hair, especially during times of shedding, which results in the formation of large balls of hair if they are not brushed properly. regular. We must be aware that they are dogs with a large dose of energy and that we must be consistent with this, so it will be necessary to provide them with the exercise they need and sufficient stimuli to avoid boredom.

We must also make sure that no member of the family is allergic to dog hair, in addition to establishing a series of rules since it is going to be one of the family.

How to find the right caregiver

It is always important to know how to find the right sitter for our new husky puppy, and for that, we will need a good breeder. This is not only in charge of supplying the first vaccines, preparing the first contact and even showing you the parents or their genetics. He will also be in charge of making sure that you are the right people to provide a good future for the puppy.

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A purebred dog must have a pedigree.

Above all, it is necessary that the pedigree ensures that the puppy meets the breed standard, with a good genetic predisposition that will help us prevent many diseases. If we do not do this, we can find ourselves with a really low price, but there is also the possibility that the husky puppy is not dewormed, has not received the first veterinary visits or the corresponding vaccination card.

Another of the most important points is that the caregiver will give us the dog after weaning, approximately two months later, when they have already learned to socialize, thus avoiding possible aggressive behavior. Another option is to adopt a husky, for this, there are various associations for sled dogs or specialized in this breed that will help us find the right dog. In this case, it should not matter to us whether the dog is young or adult, the important thing is to give him a home and a lot of happiness that, without a doubt, he will give us back.