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Pug Dog Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Zee Sports 24

Pub Dog

The Pug dog breed ( also known as pug) has a historical origin of about 2000 years and is currently among the 30 most popular breeds worldwide. Despite being known as a pug in English, this dog adopted the name Pug from an Italian actor named Carlo Antonio Bertinazzi , who during the 18th century used the pseudonym "Carlin" since he wore a black mask, very similar in characteristics to those of this breed.

Despite its English origin, its origin is dated to more than 2000 years in China. The emperors of that time were looking for a type of pet with a refined appearance. These dogs were a privilege for the emperor, who was the only one who could have physical contact. Only the highest classes could obtain a pug, as long as they were no longer suitable for breeding, paying a large amount of money. It was not until the year 1500 that this breed arrived in the Netherlands, being an exclusive dog of the noble classes.

In the 20th century, after practically the extinction of the breed, it resurfaced thanks to British keepers and spread worldwide. Pugs belong to the group of Molossian Pinscher and Schnauzer type dogs and Molossian Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.

qualities of the pug

The personality of this dog is very funny, sometimes stubborn, as well as being very sociable and easy to train. Game lover can accompany his caregiver on short walks and provide fun playtime. Despite his energy, this dog greatly enjoys the pleasures of tranquility, sleeping for many hours with his typical snoring. He has no tendency to be aggressive as long as he has been properly socialized.

Their need to play and interact with their caregivers makes them suitable for family living, although they may feel suspicious at first with strangers. In that sense, although they are not guard dogs for practical purposes, they do tend to notify the presence of strangers in the home by barking. They may seem a bit "dumb" but their intelligence has made them rank fiftieth in the classification of Stanley Coren, author of the book The Intelligence of Dogs (The Intelligence of Dogs in English).

pug appearance

His appearance is compact and solid with a good proportion and musculature. Its head is large – compared to its body – and round in shape, covered in “wrinkles” ending in a flat, square-shaped snout. The pug is recognized by having large, dark eyes, similar to a mask. Its limbs are proportionate and straight, with a curly tail. If you want to adopt or raise a pug, we will never accept one that has large folds around its nose as they can cause numerous health problems and it is an offense classified as animal cruelty that can have legal consequences.

With ears folded forward, the tip remains close to the head, keeping the ear protected, although the FCI accepts pugs with ears hanging backwards as standard. Regarding the coat, it is smooth and very soft, with a shiny hue, accepting four standard colors: light fawn, silver, black and soft apricot. In all cases, they have a stripe that goes from the tail to the head. Despite being the recognized colors, there are other variants such as brindle or white.

Breeding and health of the pug breed

Obtaining a pug puppy costs between 1,200 and 1,600 euros from a qualified breeder. This guarantees that the specimen is healthy and has received all the necessary attention to ensure that you avoid unnecessary expenses at the veterinarian. We must avoid cheap breeders at all times, who cannot provide their pedigree or their ancestry, even with their parents' health records to verify that they have not had any important genetically inherited disease. Another method to welcome a Pug in our home is to try the many shelters that will ensure that it has passed the necessary health checks.

Regarding the health problems of the Pug dog breed, today we find the typical respiratory problems (dyspnea) caused by a short and flat snout. The trachea is also narrower than other breeds, which can lead to respiratory or heart problems. They can develop lesions on the cornea due to the irritation caused by the hair in their nasal fold. They are dogs that do not tolerate high temperatures much.

pug encephalitis

In a relatively low percentage (approximately 1%) puppies can develop this degenerative neurological disease. That is why it is important that the Pug specimens do not reproduce until after two years so as not to transmit their genetic heritage to the puppies. This disease still has no cure and is fatal, so they can develop it during the first year of life. Once that time has passed, they have very little chance.

Obesity and overweight

This breed has a tendency to develop health problems developed with obesity and being overweight. It is very important to follow a diet limited in calories and fat, in addition to exercising regularly. Physical activities will always be moderate, since due to their respiratory system they cannot withstand the pace.

Food for the pug

It is very important to offer him a diet that is adequate to his needs, providing him with good health and preventing the appearance of diseases. A feed with a high percentage of meat and a smaller proportion of vegetables and cereals will be necessary. It is advisable to divide the intake into three doses and that it is at room temperature. As they are dogs that do not accept high temperatures, it is very important not to offer them anything to eat an hour before/after their walk, thus avoiding the possibility of stomach torsion.

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Ownership and care of the pug dog

It is necessary to give it the necessary care and know the needs of this breed. It will be necessary to clean the eyes and ears on a regular basis to avoid infections, cleaning the wrinkles that are on its head, keeping them dry. A weekly brushing will also be necessary as they shed a lot of hair.

Despite all its needs, it is a dog that is perfect for living in the city, since they do not need large spaces. They spend most of their time sleeping and are very sociable with other people, but not with unknown dogs. Stimulating him through exercise and offering him games that test his intelligence will meet his needs since doing these activities will keep him active. The walks can be short, although enough a day for the dog to relieve himself.